"This book offers critical policy suggestions to break the vicious cycle of aid dependency, challenges the stigmatized narratives about Africa, and delves into the transformative potential of migration in reshaping the economic ties between Africa and Europe. It serves as a reminder that the current illusions characterizing the relations between the two continents are enshrined in deep-rooted self-deceipt."

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About the Author
Carlos Lopes is a Professor at the Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance, University of Cape Town, Affiliate Professor at Sciences Po, Paris, Foundation Fellow of the International Science Council, ODI Senior Visiting Fellow and a Chatham House Associate Fellow. During 2017, and again in 2022, he was a Visiting Fellow of the Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford. He belongs to the boards of about a dozen institutions. Prof Lopes has occupied several leadership positions across the United Nations system, including Policy Director for Secretary-General Kofi Annan and Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa. He was a member of the African Union Reform team and designated in 2018 AU High Representative for Partnerships with Europe. He has served in several Global Commissions. Prof Lopes is an award winner widely published author, with over 20 edited or authored books and featured articles in main media vehicles. He was selected 25 times for the “most influential Africans” lists of New African, Jeune Afrique, Africa Report, Financial Afrik and others.